The Last Romaniote
Romaniotes are considered the oldest Jewish community in Europe. They thrived in Greece until the Holocaust decimated the community and eradicated much of their legacy. “The Last Romaniote” portrays a community that refuses to disappear. Romaniotes established a synagoguein 1927 on Broome Street. It was founded by working class Greek immigrants from a small town called Janina. This Greek Jewish synagogue is now the only one remaining in the western hemisphere. “The Last Romaniote” portrays a community on the brink and explores such questions as, How does a tiny community hold on to their identity for 2,000 plus years? How are they doing today? And is baklava better than babka?
Arlene Schulman
Arlene Schulman is a journalist, book writer, photographer, filmmaker and hater of lima beans and olives. She was born in the Bronx and raised in the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn. Ms. Schulman achieved fame early due to her magnetic delivery as the senator from Rhode Island in the Tony award winning musical, “1776.” While seemingly off to a promising career on the stage, her mangled but spirited off-key delivery of one line ended these hopes in the fifth grade. Instead, she focused her inquisitive personality in journalism. Ms. Schulman has reported on prizefighters, police officers, people and personalities for newspapers and magazines. She even won a few awards along the way. Ms. Schulman’s seven published books include The Prizefighters and Cop on the Beat. Somewhat fond of alliteration, she has - no cats.