Born to stay


Born to Stay explores the tension of having undocumented parents while growing up as a U.S. citizen. The film follows two teenage girls as they grapple with their parents’ choices.  Finally they must make decisions in pursuit of their own American dream.




Daniela Cruzat

Daniela Cruzat is a Chilean journalist who worked as a reporter for the prime-time news broadcast on Chile’s public television station. She covered social justice issues, education, and breaking news. Daniela is a Documentary Cabot and Conicyt (Becas Chile) scholar at Columbia Journalism School.

Farrah Lopez

Farrah Lopez is a native New York journalist who has covered culture, identity, and political issues. She has curated exhibitions and produced videos about Harlem and gentrification and the afro-latino experience at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. She affects communities around her and the ever changing face of New York - ranging from education in the poorest districts to cultural preservation. She currently interns for NBC’s New York Live.